Friday, November 03, 2006

This is the picture....finally....why am I able to add this on my computer but not at work? Hmmm...maybe because I am supposed to be WORKING at work......

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Why won't the computer let me add the Hedwig pictures? UGH. Well, what is really cool is that there is this one photo of me entering as HEDWIG and walking past a guy who I later discovered was named Devin....or maybe Devon? Anyway, he was cute but I discovered later (on MySpace) that he is 23, so I can't believe I thought he was so cute---good lord, I could technically be his mother if I had given birth at 14 yrs old....anyway, there is a great photo of me walking past this dude who seriously saved me at moments during performance when I couldn't remember the lyrics. But......I can't get the photos....hmmm....will be back later to try again.....