Thursday, June 07, 2007

So, here is a photo from 1987; Haven is on the far left in her Smiths shirt (de rigueur for us then)...Stacy is sweet, as always, in the pink and then me, giant oaf with hair covering face (I felt this was supremely fashionable at the time.....)
Below is another photo of us, now 2007, at the same Flag Pole Hill in Dallas,TX at our 20 year high school reunion...I am so happy I don't wear my hair in my face now...we all look sorta hot still, which is nice.....And I think my friends have had pretty good adventures since high school. Me, not so sure. Still reeling from the fact that the guy who wanted to divorce me, mr. total ass-lack-of-compassion and "oh, I changed my mind about kids but haven't told you for over 6 months how I feel and, instead, am being passive aggressive about it and won't respond to your attempts to do anything to save this marriage", that cocksucker has a really nice girlfriend (poor girl) and I am shitty all alone still and probably won't get to have a family, one of my big dreams...I can't even get my butt in gear to organize another band. Chepo is too busy but I wish he could give me tips on what to do to start one; I was pretty lucky the last time and everything just fell into place...Well, what started as musings on a high school reunion has turned to simmering rage over an ass of a failed marriage and depression over no creative outlets. Whoo-hoo! I better chipper up, have to be a nanny in about an hour.....

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